• For more information call 604-557-6102

  • Clients are saying:

    Focus, Awareness, Stress, Attitude

    I wasn’t sure what to expect going in to the Neurofeedback sessions. Part of it was just learning to trust the process and trusting that my brain knew what I needed in my life. As someone who normally likes to know the “how” behind something, this was a little challenging at first.

    The first thing I enjoyed though was the session itself. Taking those 45 minutes or so to just relax brought calmness into my day. I was disappointed when the session ended as the feeling of calmness was invigorating for the balance of the day. It actually helped me get clear about decisions.

    During the first couple of sessions my body went through some physical cleansing as well. I did experience slight discomfort. I believe part of this was processing what was going on in my mind and the body making adjustments.

    As I stated I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, by the third session the biggest thing I started noticing is that my “negative” self-talk had diminished almost completely. I was becoming much more positive in my thoughts towards myself and my life. Feelings of condemnation were going away. As a result of that I was able to sleep much better as I didn’t lie in bed beating myself up.

    I would recommend your process to anyone–even the person that is skeptical. I would also recommend that just because the first couple of sessions don’t manifest a specific change; know that something is brewing beneath the surface. Keep at it. It is like any type of change, it is a process that takes some time.

    Even if the only outcome, which I know will not be the case, is that the person gets 45 minutes of tranquility once or twice a week for 5-10 weeks, which in itself is a positive thing.

    Neal Diamond, Abbotsford, BC

    Better Memory, Focus, Problem Solving, Reduced Stress

    With Neurofeedback I noticed almost immediately that sleep came easier and my dreams were more vivid. It improved my ability to focus and deal with the many details and pressures of my day. My memory has improved and how I manage/process “stress” is much better.

    Curt Doell, Chilliwack, BC

    Help for Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

    Within 6 sessions my son was noticeably more thoughtful and focused displaying much greater emotional resilience. His teacher asked what might have changed in his life…he was like a new boy in class… “Whatever you are doing for Caeden is wonderful and I am excited to see so much growth in him and his learning!”

    Andrea Enns, Abbotsford, BC

    Focus & Emotional Resilience

    Stress and frustration were taking a toll on me emotionally and relationally. Brain Wave Coaching has helped me let the stress go and more fully enjoy each moment. It has also increased my focus and mental clarity.

    Teresa Pippus, Langley, BC

    Improved Sleep, Pain Management

    For years I have slept 3-4 hours at a time. Within 8 biofeedback sessions I have many more nights sleeping 6 or more hours per night. I am excited to see the benefits as I continue. I am experiencing greater mental clarity and Neurofeedback has also become part of my pain management for chronic arthritis.

    Virginia Doell, Abbotsford, BC

    Focus, Problem Solving

    As a busy entrepreneur my attention is constantly divided and priorities are often difficult to set when everything is critical. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused with so many things to juggle. Fumbling priorities can have big consequences. Neurofeedback has made a significant difference in my ability to multitask and it’s easier to put things in proper perspective for critical decisions. When things change unexpectedly I am more centered and find it easier to solve problems. I am more aware of all factors and less likely to miss details.

    Gerry Doell, Abbotsford, BC

    Problem Solving, Attitude

    After only a few sessions I noticed that I was becoming more positive, better equipped to solve problems and less likely to dwell on negative thoughts, including the self-doubt incidents that were pretty common. My friends were the ones who first noticed I have a much calmer demeanor.

    Bruce Fatkin, Abbotsford, BC